Roasted Hulled Sesame Seeds

Botanical Name :SesamumIndicum
English Name :Roasted Hulled Sesame Seeds
Hindi Name :Til
Family Name :Pedaliaceae


India, China, Myanmar and African countries. 70% of the world’s sesame crop is grown in Asia and 26% in Africa.


AT Harappa in the Indus Valley between 2250 and 1750 BC.

Sesame seeds both unhulled and hulled are rich in several nutrients that boost bone health, though the calcium is mainly in the hull. However, sesame seeds contain natural compounds called oxalates and phytates, antinutrients that reduce the absorption of these minerals.



Purity99.99% Minimum
Admixture00.01% Maximum
Moisture5.0% Maximum
F.F.A.1.5% Maximum


Total Plate Count20,000 cfu/gm max.
Yeast & Mould5,000 cfu/gm max.
Staphylococcus AureusAbsent/gm


BHCNot Detected
DDTNot Detected
AldrinNot Detected
Detection Limit0.01 PPM

Nutrition Value

Roasted Hulled Sesame Seeds known to be quite rich in many mineral contents like iron, magnesium, manganese, copper and calcium. The seeds are also a good natural source of vitamin B1 and vitamin E.


Multi wall paper bags/ plastic bags: 50 LBS/ 25 KGS / 25 LBS / 15 KGS / and smaller.

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