Celery Seed

Botanical Name :Apium Graveolens
English Name :Celery Seed
Hindi Name :Shalari, Ajmud, Randhuni, ajmoda
Family Name :Apiaceae


The native habitat of celery extends from Sweden to Egypt, Algeria and Ethiopia and in Asia, India and China.

It is an annual in the planes, whereas, biennial in cold climate and on hills.

The native habitat of celery extends from Sweden to Egypt, Algeria and Ethiopia and in Asia, India and China.


Extraction Method : Steam Distilled
Aroma: A spicy warm, sweet, and long lasting odour.
Native Country: India

Celery (Apium graveolens) is a marshland plant in the family Apiaceae that has been cultivated as a vegetable since antiquity.

Celery has a long fibrous stalk tapering into leaves.

Depending on location and cultivar, either its stalks, leaves or hypocotyl are eaten and used in cooking.

Celery seed is used mainly as a spice in India.


Celery seed has a pleasingly crisp texture and subtile flavour

Parts Used

Celery seeds and seed chaff


10 kgs, 15 kgs, 25 kgs, 50 kgs

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