Brown Sesame

Brown Sesame

Botanical Name :Sesamum Indicum
English Name :Brown Sesame
Hindi Name :Til
Family Name :Pedaliaceae


India, China, Myanmar and African countries. 70% of the world’s sesame crop is grown in Asia and 26% in Africa


At Harappa in the Indus Valley between 2250 and 1750 BC

Brown Sesame Seeds :

Red Sesame seeds (Double Skin) .
Brown Sesame seeds (Oil :48%, FFA :2% to 3% , Purity 99%)


Red and Brown Sesame Seed

Black Sesame

White Sesame

Nutrition Value

Seeds known to be quite rich in many mineral contents like iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, and calcium.

The seeds are also a good natural source of vitamin B1 and vitamin E.


  • Good Source of Fiber.
  • May Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides.
  • Nutritious Source of Plant Protein.
  • May Help Lower Blood Pressure.
  • It May Support Healthy Bones.
  • May Reduce Inflammation.
  • Good Source of B Vitamins.
  • May Aid Blood Cell Formation.


Brown Sesame seeds used mainly for extracting of Oil.

Sesame seeds are also rich sources of protein, vitamins, and antioxidants.

People use sesame oil for high blood pressure.

It is also used for cough, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.


10 kg, 15 kg , 25 kg, 50 kg